Tour Leader

Michelle Sopoliga

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Michelle Sopoliga grew up in Camarillo, California, and has been birding since 2002 when she took a Field Biology class at California State University, Chico. She earned her B.A. in Liberal Studies, B.S. in Biological Sciences/Ecology, and a Teaching Credential from CSU, Chico and has since been teaching high school science. The first five years of her teaching career were spent in Manteca Unified School District, California, where a highlight was the opportunity to take students on overnight camping trips to Yosemite, Mono Lake, Pinnacles National Monument, and Point Reyes National Seashore. She valued showing students the birds, wildlife, and geological features that she spoke of in class. Michelle began her love affair with Alaska in 2005, where she spent the summer greeting visitors to Yukon-Charley Rivers National Wildlife Preserve in Eagle. She also worked for the National Park Service studying Peregrine Falcons nesting on the Yukon River. She returned to Alaska in 2007 to study eiders and Emperor Geese on Kigigak Island as a USFWS technician out of Bethel on the Yukon-Delta National Wildlife Refuge. She was back in 2012 with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service studying Steller’s Eiders in Utquiagvik (Barrow). She moved full-time to Alaska in 2013, where she teaches at Effie Kokrine Charter School in Fairbanks. There, she has focused on bringing indigenous culture into the science classroom and coaching the cross-country running team. While Michelle has birded Central America, South America, and Africa, she spends much of her available time birding extensively throughout Alaska. She manages two breeding bird surveys on the Taylor Highway, has helped conduct duck brood surveys on the Yukon Flats with USFWS, and regularly participates in the Christmas Bird Count. She was in the group that documented the first nest for Timberline Sparrow in the state of Alaska. She enjoys birding everywhere she goes and is rarely seen without her binoculars in hand. She is excited about sharing her enthusiasm, knowledge, and thirst to learn more about birds as a guide with VENT.